Organizations today are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of Employer Branding: attracting, motivating and retaining the best talent in the labor market. Use of Employer Branding services starts to become a professional trend in the HR industry. Why has this happened?
Earlier organizations attracted the best staff by offering better compensation packages, but in 21st century, the century of generation Y and looming Z, the age of technology and information started to become clear that other factors can influence the choice of an employer. It is now more important to have a flexible working time than a 5% higher salary. People nowadays price the balance between work and private life. With them we can achieve more through Facebook, than in the ads in niche sites.
These are some of the causes for the relatively new employer branding approach – an approach to recruiting and retaining the best human capital. Both Bulgarian and global environment are becoming more competitive. The fight for talent has never been so obvious, and massive. “Head hunting-is seen”! To keep the right people in your organization and protect themselves from Head hunters lurking in social networks became a matter of survival. This led to the need for creativity by thinking out of the box, led to the awareness of the importance of the employer brand.
“If you have an employee, use it fully. If you can’t, fire him. If you are not able neither to enjoy it fully, nor to fire him, then you have a motivational problem”
With these words are by one of the most significant researchers in the field of labor motivation, Frederick Hartsbarg, ending his most famous article. These words raise a substantial question – whose motivation are we talking about- of the subordinate or the manager?
Nobody will perform any action if it is not dictated by a number of complex mental processes to prepare it for behavioral act. As eastern currents say that everything happens for a reason, and every action is both a cause and an investigation. Each reaction, any behavior, any act have their causalities regardless of the extent to which they are recognized and understood. In the organizational environment and working life there is a very difficult to measure but extremely important factor – motivation. Motivation is everything that prompts us to work, makes us choose a profession, apply in a certain company or skip another – motivation is the secret ingredient, the key that keeps us in a certain workplace, that makes us work harder and longer and causes us to improve our skills and labor competencies.
Employees do not accept the company as their own? They are not committed to the vision of the company? Can they work more and better and be more productive?
Perhaps these are some of the questions that revolve in the minds of a large number of HRs and CEO minutes before bedtime. Would you agree with me that every ruler could make someone do something using a test instrument “carrot and stick” or translated in an organizational context: threat and salary. Not surprisingly, I emphasized the word “make” because when you research the issue, it appears that most directors have need the commitment, attachment and creativity of their employees. But at the end of the day they stimulate only a certain level of engagement based on greed or fear, or in some of the worst cases – both.
Human labor motivation and motivation in general, is the field of human resources management, in which an employer can make all the wrong steps and achieve all the wrong results due to its incalculability. This is not surprising against the background of the increasing complexity of motivational processes, but parallel to this complexity is the time to “vaccinate” theoretically against the most common mistakes.
For them you can read in the second part of the article!