Visteon - the Small Engineers' Reply

Visteon – the Small Engineers Replies

Since 2017 Visteon Bulgaria are the biggest hub of the company worldwide and the Bulgarian office is responsible for some of the major tech projects of the company. But with success comes the responsibility to build even bigger teams and happier employees of the company. As part of their positioning online as well as a brand-recognition and image building activity, we decided to create a video that would present the kids of some of the employees answering what may seem like an ordinary question in their typical “childish” way. It turned out to not only be engaging, exciting and serving its purposes but also a beautifully told story because of the answers some children provided.

This is yet another project we do for Visteon that is marked by an incredible success and online popularity.

Since 2017 Visteon Bulgaria are the biggest hub of the company worldwide and are responsible for some of the major projects. But with success comes responsibility and now the hard task to greatly expand in numbers is at large. As part of their positioning online as well as a brand-recognition and image building activity we decided to create a video that would present the kids of some employees answering what may seem like an ordinary question in their typical “childish” way. It turned out to not only be engaging, interesting and serving its purposes but also a beautifully told story because of the answers some children provided.

This is yet another project we do for Visteon that is marked by an incredible success and online popularity.