Visteon is a world leader in providing solutions for the cockpit sector. One of their large offices is based in Sofia and they are using almost all of the services we offer in Employer Booster. Believe us, there are some very happy employees.
Visteon Recruitment Video
Visteon needed to create a Recruitment Video. They wanted it to be original but not too provocative, in order to keep their conservative corporate culture, so we decided to recreate what seems like a typical interview and show what is like to work in Visteon with it.
The video presented a person going to an interview and suddenly being taken for a ride on a race track. We wanted to show that working in Visteon is just like riding in that car.
The video met all the expectations we had for it and became a main presentational material for the company.
Visteon website rebranding
With the beginging of their employer booster Visteon needed a full rebranding of their website and adding sections more focused on the recruitment.
After a marketing research we created a modern looking website with all the functionalities and information needed implemented in it. It had a large section dedicated only to recruitment, corporate culture and brand identity.
Visteon corporate interior
For a better atmosphere for the employees, we and Visteon managed to design their whole work-space. All the corporate colors and elements were implemented.
After a month-wide process Viteon’s employees are finally boosting their performance while having an office everyone would like to work in. All employees reported that they are enjoying the new looks as well as making them feel more like part of the company.
Visteon 15 years and new office opening
For the 15th anniversary of the company Visteon Bulgaria decided to make their grand opening of the new office in Capital Fort. The bulding is the most renowned office building in Bulgaria.
The opening began with a press conference at which the president of Bulgaria as well as the US ambassador were special guests. Almost every major media in Bulgaria covered the event. We organized everything, from the invitation process, to the press releases and on-site work (design, presentations, program for the event, et al.).Visteon even presented a future technology under development that is going to be used in at least 2 years from now.
Afterwards the event continued with a car exhibition and a cocktail in the winter garden.
All the reviews and backwards information considering the event were astonishing.